Time in Togo now

fredag, 14. marts, uge 11, 2025

Time zone info for Togo

UTC +0
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
nu 4 timer foran New York

Time difference
from Togo

Los Angeles
7 timer
7 timer
5 timer
5 timer
New York
4 timer
4 timer
4 timer
4 timer
São Paulo
3 timer
3 timer
Lagos+1 timer
Paris+1 timer
Zürich+1 timer
Johannesburg+2 timer
Kairo+2 timer
Istanbul+3 timer
Moskva+3 timer
Dubai+4 timer
Mumbai+5,5 timer
Hongkong+8 timer
Shanghai+8 timer
Singapore+8 timer
Tokyo+9 timer
Sydney+11 timer
Compare other time zones

Togo on the map

Annual average temperatures
for Togo 1901-2021

Each of the stripes represents one year.
Graphics by Ed Hawkins, using data from Berkeley Earth.
See showyourstripes.info.

The 25 largest cities in

Amlamé Aného Atakpamé Badou Bafilo Bassar Dapaong Kandé Lama-Kara Lomé Mango Niamtougou Notsé Pagouda Palimé Sokodé Sotouboua Tabligbo Tchamba Tovouganou Tsévié Vogan Zopomarhé Zotchi Kpota Zowolagan