Time in Curitiba, Brazil now

Friday, February 28, 2025
Sun: ↑ 06:10AM ↓ 06:49PM (12h 39m) - More info - Make Curitiba time default - Add to favorite locations

Time zone info for Curitiba

UTC -3
Brasilia Time (BRT)
now 2 hours ahead of New York

Time difference
from Curitiba

Los Angeles
5 hours
5 hours
3 hours
3 hours
New York
2 hours
2 hours
2 hours
2 hours
São Paulo0
London+3 hours
UTC+3 hours
Lagos+4 hours
Paris+4 hours
Zurich+4 hours
Cairo+5 hours
Johannesburg+5 hours
Istanbul+6 hours
Moscow+6 hours
Dubai+7 hours
Mumbai+8.5 hours
Hong Kong+11 hours
Shanghai+11 hours
Singapore+11 hours
Tokyo+12 hours
Sydney+14 hours
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Sunrise, sunset, day length and solar time for Curitiba

Curitiba on the map

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